Tuesday, June 24, 2008


ok. i think it's time i addressed this issue because im very tired of people calling themselves fresh and fitted! when they're not!!!!!!!!!! nowadays everyones sn is "2fresh" this "2fitted" that. ugh! then they come to school wit the ugliest shit on! they got on sumthin cute prolly once every 2 weeks. and the same abercrombie hoodie like ev-ry-day! (not gonna say no names) lol ooo and another sn i saw was sumthin like "ms.juicy couture" ummm... but the only juicy thing u got is a juicy couture sock... hmm.. prolly shouldn't have that sn now should u?? yeah, get at least 3 b4 u claim it ok. y cant screennames b simple? or a nickname (that people actually call u)...
tisk tisk... well ill add more to this later. g2g BET AWARDS IS ON!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahhaha Raven Yu jokes! I was thinkin the same thing! That's what we was talkin bout in class that day Marcus called
himself fitted